Healthy employees are productive employees

Can you imagine a multispecialty medical practice, legal service and financial wellness so convenient, trusted, and comprehensive that your employees actually want to engage in their health? That’s MDLegal.

Family premiums have increased 22% over the past five years and 55% over the past decade.

Many companies have addressed the problem by passing a share of the burden to their employees through high-deductible health plans, coinsurance, and other cost-sharing strategies.

MDLegal reduces claims costs while providing CARE your employees will love.

Including MDLegal as a part of an overall portfolio of group employee benefits has become an important healthcare cost containment tool. MDLegal reduces office co-pays for employees and claims costs to the employer’s group healthcare plan. In a study of 17,000 participants, hospital admissions dropped by 30%, and doctor visits were reduced by 60% for a savings of 45% in unnecessary doctor and emergency room visits.

Multiple Cost-Savings

Improving access

Round-the-clock access to our National network of licensed board-certified physicians and behavioral health professionals.

Reduction in cost

MDLegal can treat over 85% of common conditions typically seen in an ER room, eliminating unnecessary costs.

Reduce absenteeism

No more missing work to go to the doctor. Employees can easily consult with a Doctor anytime, day or night.

Preventive care

Employees become more aware of current conditions, empowering them to be more proactive with their health.

Administration tools that benefit your Company

All-in-One Benefit Platform

Connect, integrate, and evolve with all your health and benefits vendors.

Deep, Engaging Integration

Easily access data and resources to provide ongoing education and engagement for your employees.

Create a Culture of Health

Improve employee well-being by providing convenient healthcare options.

All-in-One Administration

Help with vendor management, census upload, account management, and reporting.

Highest utilization, satisfaction and service

Our admin dashboard does most of the heavy lifting to onboard employees and we work side-by-side with you to create a campaign to drive utilization.

  • Customized, targeted and year-long engagement campaigns
  • Engagement activities based on your objectives and goals to maximize utilization and savings .
  • Real-time reporting that measure “hard dollar” savings generated against goals .
  • Easy onboarding and population maintenance through our admin dashboard.